Fast facts: Landscape architecture
5 fast facts
Landscape architecture is one of the most diverse disciplines in the built environment. Our team of experts work on projects all over the world – from backyards to golf courses, parks to high-rise rooftops, major city squares and plazas to schools and hospitals, roads and residential streets to environmental corridors.
Q What’s a little-known fact about landscape architecture?
Landscape architects are involved in all aspects of design, from the strategy documents, down to the design of fixings on a bench.
Another fun fact: landscape architects are bound by several rules and regulations and spend enormous amounts of time collaborating with other professional disciplines. Depending on the project, landscape architects will work closely with developers, architects, engineers, interiors experts, surveyors…the list goes on.
Q Career vs reality: what’s landscape architecture really like?
There’s always been this belief that landscape architects are constantly dealing with nature in a broad sense, in fact, most are working very much in an urban setting, however, this is where the biggest impact can be made on people, with good design outcomes.
You know you are a landscape architect when…
None of your friends are ever interested in your holiday photos, no matter where you go, because you take photos of bollards and seats and paving and….
Q What’s the greatest challenge in landscape architecture?
Invariably projects are long, budgets are tight, and the physical landscape is normally the last thing constructed. So, it can be easily impacted by other factors such as cost over runs etc. Landscape architects need to be able to continue to uphold the importance of their work to try and ensure a great outcome.
Q What’s a favourite resource for landscape architecture news?
• Landzine: it showcases the world's largest archive of contemporary landscape architecture projects from around the globe.
• World Landscape Architecture: an online platform bringing together a global community of landscape architects and creating a space for inspiration and resources.
• ArchDaily: provides the latest news in architecture from around the world.
• Landscape Magazine: The official magazine of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) is a quarterly publication with commentary on issues facing landscape architecture and its practitioners.
The inside scoop
Landscape architect Chris Isaacs takes us a tour of Yarrabilba – from the streetscapes to the slides.

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