Nicola Simpson
Director of Offshore Renewables, EAME
Nicola is responsible for the Tetra Tech RPS Energy Offshore Renewables business in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East Africa (EAME), including working across core services in the UK and Europe and supporting RPS’s goals in Europe. As a member of Tetra Tech’s Renewable Energy Global Strategic Initiative, she collaborates with our leaders in the US and Australia, Asia Pacific (AAP) to advance our support to the offshore wind industry.
Nicola's clients span renewable energy, transmission, conventional power, and energy storage across marine consenting, compliance, and environmental services.
In offshore wind, Nicola has been involved in Rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4, ScotWind, projects in Scottish territorial waters and in Ireland. She is currently Tetra Tech RPS Energy’s Project Director for our Morven Offshore Wind Lead EIA Consultant role, supporting our client bp/EnBW. She also has a wealth of expertise with site/route selection, supporting The Crown Estate in their environmental constraints analysis for Round 4 leasing, developer clients for ScotWind site selection and to National Grid during landfall selection for a strategic Scotland to England interconnector route selection study for three routes (the Eastern Green Link projects).
An experienced leader, Nicola has grown our UK-based offshore wind consenting team from 16 to 75 people over three years. She is committed to robust governance, collaborative decision-making, and valuing diverse perspectives.