Ruth De Silva
Senior Associate Director – Offshore Wind EIA Project Management
Ruth is a knowledgeable and highly experienced project manager and environmental practitioner with over 22 years’ experience in the environmental field, including supporting major offshore wind farms in the UK.
Her offshore wind farm project experience includes Inch Cape as senior marine mammal advisor, Rhiannon as marine mammal Project Manager and HRA (Habitat Regulations Assessment) lead, and Berwick Bank as offshore EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and HRA Project Manager / Director. She is currently in the role of Project Director on the Ossian Array Offshore Wind Farm project and TWP’s Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm. She is experienced in supporting clients through UK consenting processes in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland. Ruth also provides strategic advice into RPS’s key offshore wind project portfolio.
Ruth has a wealth of experience in consent management and environmental assessment of offshore wind, wave and tidal energy projects around the UK. She has liaised with all UK statutory stakeholders and consenting bodies for marine renewable energy projects, and has experience in discharging onshore planning and offshore marine consenting and planning consent conditions. She has direct experience (9 years) as a statutory stakeholder (SNH), providing statutory advice on a range of marine industries and land-based projects in Scotland.