Canalside Plan Caters for All at Camden Market
RPS was responsible for preparing the retail assessment to support Stanley Sidings Ltd proposals for the comprehensive mixed use regeneration of the Camden Canal Market in Camden Town, London Borough of Camden, UK.
Following extensive negotiations with the local authority, local residents and various amenity groups, and numerous scheme iterations spanning seven years, planning permission was finally granted in January 2013. During that period the existing market was devastated by fire in February 2008.
Although the site lies within the defined town centre and benefits from a site specific allocation for retail (including market uses) and other uses the council requested a retail assessment. Through the retail assessment, we were able to demonstrate that the proposed mix and nature of uses (Class A1, A3 and A5) would preserve the unique identity and vibrancy of this part of Camden Town which is characterised by small independent market traders.
The scheme makes full use of the site’s canalside setting and provides a mix of uses catering for the needs of both visitors to Camden Town and local residents. The approved scheme provides in the order of 11,000m² Class A floorspace including replacement market floorspace, hot food outlets, restaurants, local unit shops, a cinema, a new school, workshops and residential units, together with public open space.
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