Exciting times for RPS as our Floating LiDAR achieves much coveted L2-certification
A bankable resource assessment is the most critical element of any energy project.
Floating LiDAR technology is the future in terms of collecting trusted resource data to support investment decisions. Recognising this potential, the Carbon Trust roadmap outlines a strategy to ensure the commercial reliability and acceptability of this data technology, including a robust certification process.
Level 2 certification is an important milestone in the development of our Floating LiDAR technology. It qualifies the RPS Lidar 4.5 buoy type to collect bankable wind resource data for clients wishing to develop offshore wind farms.
At RPS, we believe we have the most reliable LiDAR buoy going around because it features full redundancy in power supply, data logging and satellite 2-way communications. The buoy is also environmentally friendly with zero emissions.
During the 6-month validation deployment off Blyth in the UK, our buoy NEVER missed a 10-minute data transmission, and the validation accuracy is excellent, achieving the best practice KPI.
“It’s been designed and constructed utilising decades of experience of building and operating Metocean buoys. I could not be prouder of the team effort to deliver such a fantastic product in a very short period - right first time!” Greg Bush, General Manager WA - MetOcean
This is a proud moment for our Metocean team. Excerpt from the DNV GL report:
“Based on the current NOAH verification results and its fulfilment of all OWA Roadmap KPIs as reported here, DNV GL draws the conclusion that the RPS Lidar 4.5 employing a ZP300M unit has formally qualified for Stage 2 “pre-commercial” in the context of the Carbon Trust Offshore Wind Accelerator Roadmap for the Commercial Acceptance of Floating Lidar Technology.”