PIANC Award for Mandurah Ocean Marina
Mandurah Ocean Marina is Western Australia’s international award-winning waterside development. The luxury residential and leisure estate has just received the 2011 Marina Excellence Design Jack Nichol Award (MEDA) from PIANC –the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure. This is the first time that the prestigious worldwide acclamation has been awarded to an Australian project – winners in previous years included Italy, California and Florida.
The plaque was awarded on 11th May at the International Council of Marine Industry Associations’ World Marinas Conference in Singapore – and recognises significant excellence in functionality, aesthetic quality and environmental sustainability in modern boating facilities. It is named after the late John M. Nichol –an esteemed marina designer. RPS provided environmental management planning services and negotiated the environmental approvals for the development on behalf of LandCorp –a WA State Government land development organisation.
Ross Holt, Chief Executive of LandCorp praised RPS’ contribution "for the expertise, determination and sheer hard work your organisation has provided. The Marina’s development owes much to the intensity of collaboration that has been so overwhelmingly evident. A great consultant and contractor team, an engaged city of Mandurah and Peel Development Commission and a range of enthusiastic groups can all take pride in the outcomes that have been achieved. The award is not just a testament to our partnership. It is also an amazing achievement for the people of Mandurah – a community whose vision and support has ensured the Marina now truly belongs to them."
The realisation of the development is a significant achievement as the project has faced a number of environmental, engineering and logistical challenges including the dewatering and then remediation of the north and south harbour basins, upgrade works to the sea wall, the construction of a buried sea wall as a coastal erosion defence, as well as requirement to create a protected nesting ground for migratory Fairy Terns and the relocation of marine life,including 10,000 Blue Swimmer crabs, during dewatering works.
The Marina provides two harbours with protective sea walls, an attractive seafront parade of shops, restaurants and cafes, and has services for more than 7,000 boat owners. Once completed, the Marina will deliver more than 600 ongoing employment opportunities and is expected to inject more than AU$900m into the local economy over a 20 year period.
Mandurah Ocean Marina has also attracted thirteen other State and international awards within Western Australia and Australia for planning and design excellence, including the Urban Development Institute of Australia National Award for Excellence for a Masterplanned Development (2007), the Australian Marina of the Year title (2004), and the CASE Earth Award for Environmental and Construction Excellence (2003).
It is now listed for key trade magazine World Architecture News’ Urban Design Awards.
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