RPS and Clear Environmental Consultants Ltd
Clear specialises in sewerage modelling, urban pollution management, river modelling, drainage, clean water modelling, storm water management and ecology. The company has a strong track record in undertaking hydraulic modelling and wastewater planning and provides asset management and optimisation solutions to Water Companies.
Clear has developed an excellent reputation for delivering high quality, innovative solutions whilst achieving efficiency and cost effectiveness.
Clear will join the UK Water Division of RPS which currently provides a range of operational and technical services to the water and wastewater sectors of the UK water industry.
The acquisition will strengthen RPS’ ability to provide both water companies, and the wider environment sector, with the full range of technical and operational wastewater services that are of increasing demand in a changing climate with evermore extreme weather conditions. In particular, it will align RPS with the water companies’ objectives of reducing flooding and pollution incidents whilst optimising the balance between capital and operational expenditure.
Managing Director of Infrastructure, Trevor M Hoyle, comments: “The coming together of RPS and Clear creates a truly unique offering in the UK wastewater industry. We look forward to welcoming and working with our new colleagues to add value to our clients’ businesses.”
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