RPS Communications Director Conferred with Fellowship of Public Relations Institute of Ireland
RPS Communications Director, Neasa Kane-Fine has just been invited and appointed a Fellow of the Public Relations Institute of Ireland in recognition of her contribution to the development of the Institute and the public relations profession in Ireland.
Neasa leads the RPS Project Communications team which works with clients to engage with stakeholders and communities through the planning, construction and commissioning stages of infrastructure projects. She recently explained in Business & Finance Magazine how our dedicated team of communications professionals with engineering and technical backgrounds have been delivering engaging infrastructure projects for our clients.
“Ignoring communications or thinking you can develop infrastructure by concentrating on getting planning permission without engaging with the people who will be affected by your project, is no longer acceptable,” says Neasa. “Communities and other stakeholders should be engaged with throughout, starting at the earliest opportunity when infrastructure projects are planned for their area; not just because the EU Aarhus Convention requires it – and it does – but because people can stop projects being built if they don’t appreciate the need for them and if they don’t have trust and confidence in the project promoters. On the other hand, we have so many examples of how informed stakeholders can enhance projects, thanks to trust that is gained over time.”
Our communications people have backgrounds in construction, engineering, planning and environmental science. This allows them to appreciate and understand all aspects of infrastructure development. With their technical knowledge and experience, the team can interrogate issues deeply and develop robust content and focused strategies. This technical insight and expertise provides RPS with an edge to reach audiences with varying levels of knowledge.
Infrastructure projects in which RPS’ communications experts have played an important role include Shell Corrib Gas Project, the M3 Motorway, the M50 Upgrade, Shanganagh Bray Wastewater Treatment project, Ballymun Regeneration, Dublin Waste to Energy, Greater Dublin Drainage, and energy projects for Coillte and EirGrid.
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