RPS Wins Health & Safety Award from Society of British Water and Wastewater Industries
The award recognises the effective demonstration of RPS’ clear commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for staff, contractors, visitors and all affected site users throughout the project lifecycle – from inception through delivery to completion and handover. This commitment is evidenced through a consistently robust and high quality management system implementing excellent best practice at all levels of health and safety.
RPS holds internationally recognised accreditations: OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 9001 Quality Management System. These are underpinned by a PAS 99 accredited Integrated Management System.
Trevor Hoyle, Chairman of the RPS Water Division explains “We maintain a clear focus on Health & Safety, Quality and Environment across RPS, buoyed by positive employee engagement at all levels. It is this strong employee involvement supported by clear Director level commitment that enables us to achieve the highest levels of health and safety performance. We are extremely proud that this has been recognised by the prestigious SBWWI award.”
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