RPS wins South West Water Leakage Detection Contract
Following a competitive procurement process, South West Water has appointed RPS to carry out Leakage Detection works to enhance delivery performance and to outperform the annual leakage targets.
The contract will begin in April 2018, for up to four years. RPS will provide leakage detection resources and associated management throughout the entire South West Water region to complement the existing in-house team.
The deliverables of this contract will include:
- Provision of innovative leak detection solutions and approaches
- Detection, location, marking and reporting of leaks on the Employer’s water distribution network system
- Associated valve checking
- Leak surveys and data collection for leaks on private supply pipes of commercial properties as well as customer supply pipes.
Rob Waters, Water Director at RPS, commented: “We have been successfully providing water and wastewater services and solutions to South West Water for nearly 3 decades and are delighted to win this latest leakage detection contract. RPS has an excellent record of service delivering effective leakage detection services to other water companies and we look forward to fully supporting South West Water’s existing in-house leakage team to outperform their annual leakage targets.”
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