Sharing Skills Outside the Office
Do you ever fancy the lifestyle some of your colleagues have outside the office? More than forty RPS staff from across the Midlandsi, got to experience just that as they joined an exclusive event at Chetwynd Barracks, Nottingham this month and got a first hand trial of some of the continuing training RPS Reservist staff follow outside the RPS offices.
The unique experience day on 12th April was organised jointly by 170 (Infrastructure Support) is Engineer Group Royal Engineers and 158 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) and included a planning exercise in a pressurised situation that is part of the training regime for potential army officers, a command task and then a First Aid scenario.
158 Regiment RLC Staff Sergeant and RPS Senior Engineering Coordinator Phil Mabbitt explained the benefits of the exercise "This kind of event is massive for team-building, leadership and morale ....colleagues have to absorb a lot of information, process it and then share work across the team based on individual strengths which is a really useful learning experience we can apply in the workplace. It’s shown my colleagues just what they can achieve and will have a positive effect in our business."
“It’s really useful for us to integrate as a company and reinforce the idea that we are all part of something bigger" said RPS Operations Director David Dunbar "It’s a really engaging environment that is totally new for a lot of our staff and a very positive experience which will benefit the company.”
Captain Terry Gillard, Commanding Officer of 170 (Infrastructure Support) Group described the business benefits of these events, which they run for engineering businesses: "Events like this benefit the building of relationships between organisations and the Army Reserve, they have a better understanding of what we do and are more supportive of their employees who are also reservists. It also allows the company to learn a few techniques that will boost leadership skills and team building."
RPS Operations Manager Fay White works in our Mansfield Woodhouse Occupational Health team and is a member of the National Medical Council: "It really takes you out of your comfort zone and you’ve got to be open to trying new things, it has shown the strength of our staff and how we can all work together."
RPS Newark is a signatory to an Armed Forces Corporate Covenant and has received an Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award for its partnership with 170 Royal Engineers.
i From Newark, Birmingham, Milton Keynes and Mansfield Woodhouse HSR offices.
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