Rolling out ‘Done Safe’ to our AAP business
Our AAP business recently rolled out Done Safe: a new cloud-based safety management system to replace their current paper system.
Home Safe was launched in 2017 to provide a whole of business approach to Health and Safety, the Done Safe platform is a key part of this program. Instead of using a paper system, colleagues will now use the online platform to report incidents and hazards, access risk management tools, policies and manuals.
Training sessions have been run across the AAP business covering how to use the platform and where to find key health and safety information, as well as acting as an annual refresher on the importance of health and safety and our approaches and policies.
Our people are working on complex problems with complex risks every day, having an accessible online health and safety management system is one way we are making it easier to make sure they get home safe each day.
Banner image by Pashminu Mansukhani from Pixabay
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