Nature-based solutions for sustainable development
With 39% of emissions coming from buildings and their construction, the built environment has a vital role to play in the fight against climate change. As we move to decarbonise the way we design and build our projects, nature-based solutions are an effective way of tackling emissions and delivering much needed biodiversity onsite.
Sustainable development
With the spotlight firmly on net zero and an immovable deadline set, the pressure to tackle a project’s emissions is mounting. With regulations getting tighter and new legislations regularly coming into force, developers need to consider multiple factors to deliver a truly sustainable development. Combine this with the need to demonstrate their own commitment to zero carbon targets, the path to net zero can be complex.
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Nature-based solutions
Protecting and improving biodiversity is high on the agenda for local planning authorities with Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) now mandatory on sites in England.
As BNG becomes a condition for planning consent for some projects, nature-based solutions will play a vital role in sustainable development. Designed onsite or utilised through offsetting, they not only tackle biodiversity loss and help to restore ecosystems, they are key in the fight against climate change.
Our team environmental specialists including ecologists, carbon assessors, landscape architects and water and flooding experts can advise on all aspects of NbS including:
Onsite solutions
Offsite solutions
Complying with changing regulations
To achieve the UK's ambitious net zero target, the Committee on Climate Change has stated buildings must be decarbonised by 2050. In light of this, the Future Homes and Future Buildings Standards are being developed with a target implementation date of 2025.

Designing for Net Zero
Urgent and ambitious action is required to help the built environment decarbonise inline with government targets. Our engineers, architects and consultants follow our seven stage pathway to design whole life, carbon neutral projects and solutions.