How is RPS helping to build a water resilient future?
At the close of COP27, a new funding arrangement on loss and damage was agreed and has since been called a "historic moment". Beyond compensation and reparations though, there is still a lot of work to be done. Flooding mitigation and adaptation is still an urgent task globally.
Water management is one of the most complex issues facing the world today and was a key focus for COP27. Increasingly extreme weather events continue to have a devastating impact on lives and livelihoods globally, through severe flooding and droughts. By 2050, the number of people at risk of floods is set to increase by a third, from 1.2 billion to 1.6 billion.
We asked our experts at RPS how they are working with organisations globally, to build a more water resilient future.
Brendan Brice - Director, Flooding & Drainage
Our water industry professionals provide a range of services across the water cycle to important clients such as water utilities, state and local authorities. Through our services we ensure that public infrastructure is both climate resilient and sufficient to meet future needs.
The RPS Water teams provide services in areas such as drinking water source identification, water treatment and storage and leakage management, wastewater pollution control and flood risk management.

Tayebeh TajalliBakhsh - Ocean Engineer, Senior Scientist
To build a water resilience future, we need to be able to adapt to the changing climate and recover quickly from disruptions and emergencies and develop comprehensive water resource management policies and plans. The key to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals, is a science-based risk management.
Last week during COP27 campaign, global leaders came together to discuss how to fight against climate change and its negative impacts.

Marianne Govic - Associate Director, Communications and Engagement, Melbourne
Across the Australia Asia Pacific region, we’re working with a number of clients to help mitigate the impacts of climate change on our water resources.
Water is vital to human health and prosperity, but as the climate changes we face increasing challenges of how we manage water supply, security, quality, and distribution in an equitable and sustainable way.

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Learn more about how RPS helps to tackle water scarcity and climate change related impacts by visiting the link below.