Top tips: Mineral assessments
The presence of protected minerals and proximity to safeguarded mineral infrastructure can place major constraints on development. Without consideration, development plans may sterilise mineral resources and constrain mineral infrastructure contravening planning policy. The issues of mineral sterilisation need to be considered at an early stage during site promotion and planning to maximise the potential for a consent and avoid costly redesigns. Read through our top tips and things to avoid below.
Watch: Minerals webinar
In this Leading Minds episode, hear Dr Adrian Green - Principal Hydrogeologist, discuss how mineral resources should be considered throughout the planning and land promotion process – the earlier the better.

✔ Top tips
- Ensure you understand the local council minerals and waste policy documents as these do vary from council to council
- Safeguarding extends to both mineral resources and minerals infrastructure. Both require consideration within your development plans
- Plan early, so that your development proposals minimise impact on resources and infrastructure
- Allow time to design in mitigation
- Engage with all stakeholders (county authority, local mineral operators etc.) to understand their concerns
- Seek the relevant advice early. Technical specialists can provide detailed advice and recommendations to manage minerals
× Things to avoid
- Do not ignore the views of mineral operators, the county authority will consult them
- Do not present poorly justified and supported arguments for redevelopment over mineral protection
Minerals flowchart
When are minerals resource and minerals infrastructure assessments required? Download our flowchart to see the steps to take.
Leading Minds Webinar Programme
Now entering its third year, our Leading Minds webinar series is hosted by technical experts from a variety of disciplines across our business. Each episode aims to guide you through legislative challenges, development risks and sustainable solutions to maximise the profitability of current and upcoming schemes. Whether you want to register for our upcoming webinars, or flick back through our catalogue of previous webinar recordings and top tips, find out more below.

Get in touch

Philip Thomas
Technical Director - Ground Investigation