Robina Town Centre Redevelopment
As part of the ongoing redevelopment of the Robina Town Centre, RPS’ Gold Coast team provided terrestrial laser scanning services to capture the spatial conditions of the centre’s Bazaar Street Mall.
Terrestrial scanning mitigates onsite impact
The Robina Town Centre is a leading retail and entertainment destination on the Gold Coast.
To monitoring ongoing maintenance requirements and plan for future development, our surveying team were engaged to capture the existing conditions and complex features of the centre’s Bazaar Street Mall.
Using terrestrial laser scanning we achieved the scanning over one night - significantly reducing any impact to mall operations and shoppers. In addition, point cloud data and interactive 3D imagery were also generated to assist with visualisation and documentation of the existing conditions.

Find out more
Using innovative surveying technologies, we can help you better understand your built and natural environments with smart spatial information you can rely on.
Contact us to see how we can make complex easy for your next project.