Yorkshire Water Drainage Area Planning Framework
We have worked with Yorkshire Water since 2010 delivering their Drainage Area Planning Framework. This includes: specialist modelling and drainage area planning, focusing on new all-sewer model build and verification in InfoWorks CS, CS2D, ICM and InfoNet; identification of catchment deficiencies, needs and serviceability issues; development of notional solutions and providing support to help YW deliver its obligations under the Water Framework Directive and revised Bathing Water Directive.
Key details
Yorkshire Water
Services provided:
- Drainage area planning
- Specialist modelling services
As part of this project we have identified current and future hydraulic risk, together with operational, structural and environmental risks within the sewerage network.
The risks require the development of high level indicative options for high confidence risks to be uploaded to BRM+ (YW internal costing, CBA, investment and promotion system) to support business decision making.
Significant focus is needed to developing asset management maintenance schedules and understand energy usage and potential energy reduction strategies to inform operational, maintenance and investment plans.

We have undertaken over 80 DAP studies, including Sheffield, Halifax, Barnsley, Whitby, Harrogate and York. Across the programme we have planned and managed over 30,000 asset surveys, together with the planning, supervision and management of 6500+ flow monitors. We audit other consultant’s DAP models, and have undertaken over 50 model build and verification audits, including in Leeds.
We have constructed InfoWorks ICM models in Goole and Hull to understand integrated flooding mechanisms, in partnership with YW and East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Our Whitby rBWD study won an award for Positive Environmental Impact at the Yorkshire Water (YW) Excellence Awards in 2012; commended for helping YW deliver environmental commitments, with savings of £35m anticipated by utilising existing storage and ensuring new storage facilities were constructed in the most cost effective location.