Mitigating air quality impacts
Poor air quality and the risk it poses to health continues to feature in the news headlines. Planning applications for housing, new schools, care homes or health clinics near existing air pollution hot spots are only likely to be approved if steps are taken to reduce pollution exposure for their users.
Choosing the right mitigation solution
Although mitigation is often talked about as a possible solution, the National Planning Policy Framework gives no specific detail. The national Planning Practice Guidance limits itself to some high-level general advice on air quality mitigation but provides no guidance on how the most appropriate mitigation options should be chosen for a given application, or on the efficacy of the different mitigation options.
The Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) Position Statement incorporates a hierarchy that can act as a starting point when choosing an appropriate mitigation solution for an adverse air quality impact.

Interpreting the IAQM Position Statement
Our air quality experts produced this Position Statement for the IAQM and we therefore have a unique understanding of the underlying mitigation hierarchy.
Download our free guide
To assist developers we have prepared additional guidance that not only summarises the hierarchy, but describes practical examples you can use on your development scheme. Download our free guide below or contact the team.
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