Mineral assessments
The presence of protected mineral resources or the proximity of safeguarded mineral infrastructure can place major constraints on development. Without consideration, development plans may sterilise mineral resources and constrain mineral infrastructure contravening planning policy.
To avoid minerals derailing your development, these issues must be considered throughout the planning and land promotion process – the earlier the better.
Minimising the impact of minerals
When developing within or in close proximity to protected minerals, planning policy dictates that your development must not sterilise these mineral resources or impact safeguarded mineral infrastructure. Many adverse impacts on infrastructure can arise, most frequently in relation to air quality, noise, light and transport. We are uniquely positioned to advise on any potential implications of minerals through the full life cycle of your development, from site promotion through to delivery, including the practical implications of prior extraction.

Mineral experts
With over 30 years’ experience assessing mineral reserves, mineral planning, mineral permitting and mineral policy, we are experts in the delivery of Mineral Resource Assessments (MRA) and the emerging area of Mineral Infrastructure Assessments (MIA). Our team of mineral planners, geologists and hydrogeologists have a proven track record of delivering proportionate technically robust mineral assessments to support redevelopment plans.

Our expertise

Mineral Resource Assessments

Mineral Infrastructure Assessments

Geological appraisals

Intrusive ground investigation

Ground engineering

Mineral planning

Mineral permitting


Material management

Waste management
This MA is a good example of how to approach the assessment process with objective data and a reasoned argument as to why safeguarding exemption criteria (Policy DM 7: Land-won Mineral Safeguarding) should apply. It’s a good example to sit aside the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) that is a significant part of the evidence base for the Plan.
Kent County Council
Mineral Resource Assessment, Land at Pested Bars Road
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