How to reduce your transport and business travel emissions
Businesses across the UK are being called upon to step up and play their part in the fight against climate change. And as transport continues to be the number one source for GHG emissions in the UK, it’s no surprise that companies are rethinking their approach to transport and business travel to reduce their carbon footprint.
Watch now: Our 5 simple but effective tips to...
... reduce your transport and business travel emissions
Our short video shows you how to get started and gives you five tips to help you make small changes that can make a big difference.

No time to watch? Read our 5 tips
1. Look at alternative transport methods
- Walking
- Cycling
- Motorcycling and potentially electric scooters
- Buses / trains
- Car sharing (when safe to do so)
2. Look at work and travel patterns
Can employees:
- Work from home and not travel at all
- Travel on set days
- Travel outside peak periods to avoid congestion
3. Reduce business travel
Does that meeting need to be face to face? Eliminate unnecessary travel to:
- Reduce emissions
- Maximise productivity
- Reduce travel costs
- Reduce administration
4. Move to Electric Vehicles (EVs)
EVs emit less greenhouse gases and air pollutants over their lifetime
- Move over to EVs as and when you can and encourage and facilitate use
The move to EV is happening. Demand will increase, be prepared:
- Review car park layouts
- Prepare ducting to meet increasing demand
- Is there adequate electricity supply?
- How will it operate – free charging or payment, slow charging or fast, how are spaces allocated?
5. Promote your new travel initiatives
- Shout about your initiatives and their benefits
- Offer personal travel advice to employees
Promote, promote, promote …
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