Sound Source Verification (SSV) and Acoustic Field Verification (AFV)
Mitigating the risk of sound causing harm to the underwater ecology during seismic activities requires a thorough understanding of how anthropogenic noise propagates in the environment. RPS acoustic specialists provide Sound Source Verification (SSV), also known as Acoustic Field Verification (AFV), modelling for permitting, consents and compliance for offshore activities.
Regulatory agencies are increasingly requiring SSV measurements as a condition of exploration access licensing to enable them to acquire complete sound field maps during actual surveys.
RPS delivers cutting edge technology calibrated to meet national and international standards so that our clients can conduct in-field sound source verification of airguns and vessels anywhere in the world. We provide easy to deploy and calibrated equipment that measures sound pressure levels. The data collected can be compared with model data to ensure accuracy.
Why measure your sound source?
- Verify sound source levels against modelled data
- Pro-active measurements in anticipation of future regulations governing underwater noise
- Demonstrate compliance with underwater noise limits
- The system is transportable for flexibility to conduct measurements wherever you are
- Easily assembled and deployed from vessels with no heavy lifting equipment
- Fully calibrated to NIST and ANSI standard
- Measurements performed to national and international standard
- Real-time data access using radio telemetry
- Produce a noise contours map of your sound source
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