Indoor air quality
On average, we spend around 80 percent of our time inside buildings. That's why it's important that your employees feel comfortable in the workplace - to increase productivity and reduce health problems.
How can we help?
Your challenge
Creating an optimal indoor climate remains a challenge for many organisations. You can't always prevent physical discomfort, such as headache, prickly or dry eyes. These complaints often arise from air that's too dry, poor ventilation or drafts.
If your problem isn't the result of these climate conditions, additional research is necessary. For example, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, bacteria or nitrogen oxides can also occur in an indoor environment and cause concern.
Our solution
We have occupational hygienists with specialist knowledge and experience. They'll measure and assess environmental factors, such as temperature, relative humidity airflow, inhalable particles, build-up of carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds and airborne allergens or pathogens.
We'll deliver the results in a clear, fully interpretive report. And if the results give cause for additional investigation, we will go deeper into the underlying issue(s). Recommendations to maintain a healthy workplace and mitigate ill health will then be made.
Quality assurance
Thermal parameter measurements are generally taken in accordance with procedures described within the Chartered Institute of Building Services (CIBSE) Guide. Additional criteria is provided in ISO 7730 to assess the thermal environment. Sampling of airborne contaminants generally follows prescribed HSE methodology.
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