Marine biology
Working in and near the oceans requires understanding complex ecosystems in nearshore and open ocean waters. Our scientists are experts in marine biology, habitat and community ecology, and oceanography who simplify dynamic interactions within the environment for our clients.
Sustainable solutions
We bring unique knowledge of both the physical system (hydrodynamics, water quality, meteorological conditions) and biological effects on coastal and marine species across trophic levels. Our expertise with key literature, regulations, and best practices in marine biology, impact and risk assessment, mitigation, and monitoring.

Our expertise
Reviewing marine species behaviour and life history literature
Mapping and assessing impacts for coastal, transitional/estuarine, and open ocean habitat studies
Designing and executing biological baseline surveys, and monitoring plans
Analysing ecological abundance and distribution data
Modelling exposure to oil and chemical pollutants
Assessing toxicity, environmental risk, and vulnerability of species and habitats to stressors
Performing protected species/habitat and other impact assessments in accordance with EU, AAP, and US environmental regulations
Designing mitigation plans and scaling ecological compensation/restoration
Interpreting and supporting compliance with conservation and licensing legislation
Providing services for permitting/consenting/approvals, strategic advising, and expert witness for Public Enquiries, Development Consent Order examinations, National Environmental Policy Act support, and Natural Resource Damage Assessments
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