WQMAP is an integrated modeling system designed to study surface water quality issues.
The system allows the engineer or scientist to develop numerical grids, perform hydrodynamic simulations, conduct single constituent pollutant transport and multiple constituent eutrophication studies in a geographic context all from one application.
Applications for WQMAP
- Total Maximum Daily Loads
- Industrial Produced Water Discharges
- Combined Sewer Overflows
- Cooling Water Intakes and Discharges
- Effects of Engineered Structures

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Environmental Regulations WQMAP can Address
U.S. Clean Water Act
- Section 303(d): Total Maximum Daily Loads
- Section 316(a&b): Cooling Water Intakes
- Section 316(b): Cooling Water Discharges
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
- System (NPDES) permit program
E.U. Regulations
- Bathing Water Quality Directive (76/160/ EEC)
- Drinking Water Quality Directive (80/778/ EEC & 98/83/EC)
- Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC)
- Water Framework Directive (pending)
- Discharge plume by local hydrodynamic conditions
Grid Generation
- Rapid rectangular grid generation
- Select Domain of Interest
- Specifiy dimensions
- Automatic Land Water Mask
- Complex grids
- Poison solver for interior domain
- Node editing tools
- Global Bathymetric Database
- User Defi ned Bathymetric Database
Hydrodynamic Model
- Fully coupled three-dimensional equations governing conservation of mass, momentum, density and temperature
- Curvilinear Orthogonal Formulation
- Forcing includes water elevation, wind speed and direction, fresh water input and solar radiation
- Global tidal harmonics databases
- Single constituent advection-diffussion equation
- Curvilinear Orthogonal Formulation
- First Order decay and settling
- Multiple load sites
Eutrophication Model
- Incorporates USEPA WASP kinetic rate equations
- Species Include:
- Ammonia (NH3)
- Nitrates (NO3)
- Phosphates (PO4)
- Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
- Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
- Organic Nitrogen
- Organic Phosphorous
- Phytoplankton
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