Transport planning
Well-planned and sensitively designed transport networks provide essential connectivity for the sustainability and well-being of our communities. Combining engineering with deep expertise in the planning system, we shape strategies and design transport networks to improve mobility for society.
Connecting cities and communities
Working across all sectors, we have significant experience delivering a range of transport infrastructure including airports, shipping ports, railways, bus facilities, roads, cycleways and footways.
We bring our transport planning expertise to all forms of property and infrastructure development, covering energy generation, residential, commercial, sporting, leisure, health and educational land uses. Through creative and sustainable solutions we deliver shared value for our client and the communities in which we operate.

Our expertise
Strategic transport planning
Multi-modal studies and access strategy advice
Transport scheme business cases and economic assessment
Feasibility studies and master planning
Transport and environment assessments
Transport modelling
Travel plans
Traffic impact analysis
Delivery and servicing strategies
Preliminary and detailed highway, public realm and drainage design
Traffic management planning, design and implementation
Flood risk assessments and drainage solutions
Contract preparation and administration
Site supervision
Expert witness